BÜLENT: Can I borrow your history book? I’ve lost mine.
LEVENT: Not now, I’m afraid. I need it tonight and tomorrow.
I have to prepare for a test.
LEVENT: Well , you can borrow it the day after tomorrow.I’ll
Have finished with it by then.
BÜLENT: Thanks . My test isn’t until Friday anyway.
SALLY: I’m looking forward to this time next year.
GEORGE:I’m not . I’ll have left school by then and I’ll probably
be looking for a jop.
SALLY: I’ll have left school too, but I won’t be looking for a jop
I’ll be sailing to Austraila.
GEORGE: Sailing to Australia!
SALLY: Yes ,I’m going to visit my relatives there.
CLUB : Who won’t be coming to the table-tennis.
PRESİDENT: Final next Thursday?
CLUB SECRETARY: Well, neither Özcan nor Uğur will be coming.
CLUB SECRETARY: Because both of them will have left for Bursa by then.
delivered the parcel by them
read that chapter by next Thursday.
I’ll have left school by this time next year .
painted the bedroom before you get here.
found out the answer by the time he arrives.
john Mary know French.
the teacher the students solved the problem
Neither Özcan nor Uğur will be coming.
The doctor the nurse took his temparature
Ali Michael introduced the speaker
People all over the world are interested in the future particularly their own future. There have always been fortune-tellers, and there have always been many different ways of tellig fortunes. Some people believe in reading playing cards,some in reading palms and others in reading coffe-or tea-cops, however ,most people nowadays find out about tehir future from daily newspapers, or weekly or monthly magazines. They read their horoscope.
How often do you read your horoscope ? Do you read it every day? Do you believe it? Read your horoscope now and see what this month has in store for you .
ARIES March 21-April 20 ( The Ram )
During this month you will receive a large
sum of money. Unfortunately , by the end of
the month you will have spent it all. This will
make you unhappy.
TAURUS April 21-May 20 ( The Bull )
Last month you took a difficult examination.
By the end of the second week of this month,
you will have learnt the results. You will be
GEMINI May 21-june 20 ( The Twins )
This month you will travel a lot . By the end
of the month, you will have visited many dif-
ferent cities and you will have made many
new friends.
CANCER June 21-july 20 ( The Crab )
You will have some problems at the beginning
of this month , but you will have solved them
all by the end of the month . Do not worry
about them.
LEO July 21-Aug. 20 ( The Lion )
This month you will have an important
Decision to make. However, you will delay.
But in a few months’ time you will have made
up your mind.
VIRGO Aug. 21-sept. 20 ( The Maiden )
This will be a very importantt month for you.
By the beginning of next month , you will
have made a lot changes in your life.
LIBRA Sept. 21-Oct. 20 ( The Balance )
You will have a lot of work this month.It
will be difficult, but you will have completed
most of it by the end of the month.
SCORPIO Oct. 21-nov. 20 ( The Scorpion )
This will be a good month for holidays.Do
not go away. Stay at home. By the end of the
month you will have done a lot of household
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 21-Dec. 20 ( The Archer )
This month you will have an argument with
a close friend or, a member of your family.
Do not be upset .By the beginning of next
Month, you will have settled the argument.
CAPRICORN Dec. 21-jan. 20 ( the Goat )
This month you will feel unwell. Get a lot
of rest. After the middle of the month, you
will have completely recovered..
AQUARIUS Jan. 21-Feb . 19 ( The water-Carrier )
You will feel
9 Kasım 2007 Cuma
ingilizce diyaloglar
Etiketler: ingilizce diyaloglar
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